You may recall last year we posted a report on Harald R’s amazing custom Lego Starspeeder 3000. Harald is now asking for your support:
Please know that a while ago LEGO launched the Cuusoo platform (http://lego.cuusoo.com), enabling anyone with a good idea for a LEGO set to present it on the website, and with enough support, genuinely make the set. Up to now, several individual projects have already been remade into genuine LEGO sets.
Yesterday, I submitted my Starspeeder 3000 to the Cuusoo website. you can find it here: http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/19558
However, in order to get my creation the necessary votes I’d need 10.000 people who support my creation! Would you perhaps consider informing the visitors of your website that this project is running, and that every vote is welcome!
I thank you in advance for your consideration of helping me out, and many thanks in advance for your feedback.
With kind regards,