The Star Trader reopened on Friday May 6th with a brand new look! The X-Wing fighter that has hung from the upper floor of the old Starcade has been moved back into the store. Cast members say it was repainted by Lucasfilm to match exactly the props used in the movies. It’s flying pretty low so we hope someone doesn’t take a swing at it. The UFOs are still there and don’t really seem to fit in with the new Star Wars theme but I guess having something in there is better than nothing at all. Too bad they couldn’t be turned into A-Wing fighters.
The People Mover windows, that overlook the store, have a nice effect of Star Wars characters hurrying to their gates. Famous shadows include Darth Vader, Greedo and Rx-24 (Captain Rex). There is also a hidden Boba Fett within the travelers as well as the shadow of the imagineer that painted the asteroids scene around the main store room. New ad signs have been added to give the store a feeling of a space port gift shop.
New lightening and paint has also been added to the old Star Tours exit store as well as the old display window has been opened up so guests can see inside the new store. The lower part of the Starcade still has merchandise and there seems to be no plan of changing that. No new Star Tours toys have been put out yet. They seem to be waiting until the ride’s opening day to restock. The new store is a welcome change to Tomorrowland and it gives us a good taste of what is yet to come.

If you stuck around through this big update….
Star Tours: The Adventures Continue Fastpass Machine?

Some information on the Star Trader remodel on the OCregister website: