Travel Guide
August 27, 2009
- For a more intense feeling try to get one of the seats in the rear rows, as the ride’s mechanics are located right below them and therefor the movements become more intense.
- After you exit the Starspeeder there are water fontains.
- If you only want to go shopping in Disneyland, you can go to the Info Desk at the entrance of Disneyland, and there you can ask for a Shopper Pass. You will give your creditcard (info), and if you do not return in 1 hour, you get charged for an entire day visit to Disneyland.
- Becouse Star Tours is one of the most popular rides in Disneyland, the waithing ques are something long… But you will never be bored, becouse there is PLENTY OF ANIMATION.
- Star Tours is a FASTPAS attraction.
FASTPASS is an innovation from The Walt Disney Company to allow guests to avoid long lines at its theme parks. At an attraction featuring FASTPASS, a guest can use his park admission pass to obtain a FASTPASS ticket (essentially a reservation) with a return time later that day (an hour-long window) printed on it. If the guest comes back to the attraction during the specified return times, the guest can wait in a shorter line and be on the attraction within ten minutes, or often much more quickly.
- It’s recommended that guests with heart- and back-problems as well as pregnant women stay away from the Star Tours.
- Children under the age of three aren’t allowed to ride.
- Participants of Star Course at the Astroport Services Interstellaires have to be at least 1,02 metres tall.
If big lines scare you, here are some suggestions:
- Get an E-Ticket (FASTPASS), this will save you a lot of time, and see some new details of Star Tours!
- Go during the many parades or Firework show. These moments, most big attractions are quite empty. Especialy during the Fireworks, Star Tours is completely empty, great for making recordings, pictures or video’s.
- The dialogs of the robots and the announcements at the space-port are a few of the countless elements of the detailed theming of the queueing-area. As one of the really outstanding E-ticket-attractions (Known as FASTPASS) since the opening of the Disneyland Park in 1992 it wasn’t difficult to find a sponsor for this attraction – so since 1992 the name of IBM is closely connected to Star Tours in Paris. But since 2004, HP sponsors the attraction.