“For the first time, actress and entrepreneur, Ashley Eckstein, the voice of Ahsoka Tano on Star Wars: The Clone Wars has partnered with Reed Exhibitions to bring her fangirl fashion apparel company, Her Universe™, to Celebration Europe July 26th thru the 28th in Essen, Germany. Eckstein will be personally meeting and greeting fans in the Her Universe shop in the official Celebration store and providing styling tips as well as signing autographs with Official Pix in the autograph section.“
Press Release:
Ashley Eckstein and Her Universe Bringing a Galaxy of New Star Wars™ Fangirl Fashions to Star WarsCelebration Europe in Essen, Germany
NEW YORK, NY – MAY 29th, 2013 – For the first time, actress and entrepreneur, Ashley Eckstein, the voice of Ahsoka Tano on Star Wars: The Clone Wars has partnered with Reed Exhibitions to bring her fangirl fashion apparel company, Her Universe™, to Celebration Europe July 26th thru the 28th in Essen, Germany. Eckstein will be personally meeting and greeting fans in the Her Universe shop in the official Celebration store and providing styling tips as well as signing autographs with Official Pix in the autograph section.
“I have been trying to make my Her Universe designs available to our European fans for a long time,” said Eckstein. “There are fangirls all over the world and I am beyond excited to have the opportunity to bring my Her Universe shop to Celebration Germany!”
Star Wars fans attending Celebration Europe in July will have a real treat as Eckstein is bringing 200 of her exclusive Return of the Jedi 30th anniversary necklaces to Germany. Each necklace comes with an autograph certificate by Eckstein. They will be first come, first serve. In addition, she will be bringing a selection of designs for female fans of all ages including dresses, tunics and fashion tops. Highlights include an exclusive design by Clone WarsSupervising Director Dave Filoni featuring Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker, limited to only 200, as well as a Celebration Europe exclusive Darth Vader dress using art Eckstein has loved from Japanese tea towels.
Star Wars Celebration Europe is being held at Messe Essen in Essen, Germany July 26th-28th. It is produced by Reed Exhibitions in partnership with and under the authorization of Lucasfilm Ltd. For more information on Star Wars Celebration Europe including activities, guests and where to purchase tickets go to: http://www.starwarscelebration.eu/Home/
Photo credit: – Kelsey Edwards Photography- http://www.kelseyedwardsphoto.com/ and Preston Mack Photography – www.pmack.com
About Her Universe
Her Universe was launched in 2009 by actress and entrepreneur Ashley Eckstein, and her partner, The Araca Group, known as one of the most innovative theatrical production and merchandise companies in the world. Her Universe was created to directly address the expanding market of female fans by entering into its first agreement with Lucas Licensing to develop and produce a line of female-centered Star Wars apparel and accessories. The success of that line was followed up with a collection for the Syfy network including such shows as Battlestar Galactica and with BBC America for Doctor Who and with CBS Consumer Products for Star Trek. You can learn more about Her Universe and purchase the current line of fangirl apparel and accessories by going to www.heruniverse.com and by following Eckstein on Facebook (facebook.com/HerUniverse) and Twitter (twitter.com/HerUniverse).
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